상큼한 영어표현


onchris 2020. 12. 24. 08:24

가장 쉬운 것 같지만 우리가 자주 혼동해서 사용하는 a(an)과 the에 대한 quiz입니다. 일반적으로 말하는 사람과 듣는 사람이 모두 알고 있는 상항이라면 the를 사용하고  그렇치 않으면 a(an)사용하면 무난합니다.

a/am은 철자가 아니라 어떨게 소리가 나는지 따라서 선택을 합니다. 예를 들면 open door에서 open은 oh발음이므로 모음발음이 되어 an open door가 맞으며 One-day의 발음은 wuh로 자음발음이므로 a one-day로 표기해야 합니다.

A: Do you live in a house?

B: No, actually, I live in an apartment.

C: Where did we park the car?D: We had to paint the apartment before we sold it.

  1. Julie talked for _____ hour about her school project.

    1. a

    2. an

    3. the

  2. The children have _____ new teacher called Mr. Green.

    1. a

    2. an

    3. the

  3. The Mississippi river is in _____ United States of America.

    1. No article

    2. an

    3. the

  4. All pupils must obey _____ rules.

    1.  a

    2. an

    3. the

  5. There was _____ huge crowd of people outside the church.

    1. a

    2. an

    3. the

  6. Danny wanted _____ new bicycle for Christmas.

    1. a

    2. an

    3. the

  7. Dad turned on _____ radio to listen to _____ news.

    1. a/a

    2.   a/the

    3. the/the

  8. Alex is in Boston studying for _____ MBA.

    1. a

    2. an

    3. the

  9. Jennifer tasted _____ birthday cake her mother had made.

    1. a

    2. an

    3. the

  10. _____ European expert was invited to speak to the committee.

    1. a

    2. an

    3. the

  11. It would help us if you gave _____ honest opinion.

    1. a

    2. an

    3. the

  12. The teacher read _____ interesting article from the newspaper.

    1. a

    2. an

    3. the


Answer: 1. an  2. a  3. the  4. the  5. a  6. a  7. the/the  8. am( because sounds start "em" vowel sound)  9. the  10. a  11. an  12. an


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